Kamenné planety > Venuše > Objekty Venuše

Objekty Venuše

NAME                LAT    LONG       DIAM  CT  ET  MAP     QUAD      AS    AD  REF  FT  ORIGIN

Aibarchin         73.0S   25.0E     1200.0  UR  UZ  I2523   V56,62     5  1997  107  PL  Uzbek "Alpamysh" epic            
Planitia                                                                                 tale heroine.                      
Aino Planitia     40.5S   94.5E     4985.0  EU  FI  I2476   V46,47     5  1982   48  PL  Finnish heroine who              
                                                                                         became water spirit.               
Akhtamar          27.0N   65.0E     2700.0  UR  AM  I2467   V9,10      5  1997  107  PL  Armenian epic heroine.           
Alma-Merghen      76.0S  100.0E     1500.0  AS  MO  I2523   V57,62     5  1997  107  PL  Mongol/Tibet/Buryat              
Planitia                                                                                 "Gheser" epic tale                 
Atalanta          45.6N  165.8E     2050.0  EU  GR  I2490   V4,13      5  1982    1  PL  Greek mythical heroine.          
Audra Planitia    59.8N   92.3E     1860.0  AS  LI  I2490   V2,3       5  91     64  PL  Lithuanian sea mistress.         
Bereghinya        28.6N   23.6E     3900.0  EU  SL  I2466   V8         5  1985   64  PL  Slavic water spirit.             
Dzerassa          15.0S  295.0E     2800.0  UR  CC  I2477   V41,54     5  1997  107  PL  Ossetian epic heroine;           
Planitia                                                                                 golden-haired daughter of          
                                                                                         water king.                        
Fonueha           44.0S   48.0E     3000.0  OC  SA  I2475   V45        5  1997  107  PL  Samoan folktale blind old        
Planitia                                                                                 woman who became the               
Ganiki Planitia   25.9N  189.7E     5160.0  UR  SI  I2457   V14        5  1985   64  PL  Orochian (Siberia) water         
                                                                                         spirit, mermaid.                   
Guinevere         21.9N  325.0E     7520.0  EU  GB  I2466   V17,18     5  1982   93  PL  British, wife of Arthur.         
Gunda Planitia    16.0S  267.0E     1200.0  UR  GE  I2477   V40,41     5  1997  107  PL  Abkhazian epic heroine,          
                                                                                         beautiful sister of the            
                                                                                         giant knights.                     

NAME                LAT    LONG       DIAM  CT  ET  MAP     QUAD      AS    AD  REF  FT  ORIGIN

Helen Planitia    51.7S  263.9E     4360.0  EU  GR  I2477   V51,52     5  1982    1  PL  Greek; "the face that            
                                                                                         launched 1000 ships."              
Hinemoa            5.0N  265.0E     3700.0  OC  NZ  I2457   V28,29     5  1997  107  PL  Maori tale heroine; swam         
Planitia                                                                                 across Rotorua Lake to             
                                                                                         her friend.                        
Imapinua          60.0S  142.0E     2100.0  NA  ES  I2523   V58        5  1997  107  PL  E. Greenland Eskimo sea          
Planitia                                                                                 mistress.                          
Kanykey           10.0S  350.0E     2100.0  UR  KG  I2475   V43        5  1997  107  PL  Kyrgyz "Manas" epic tale         
Planitia                                                                                 heroine, wife of the               
                                                                                         knight Manas.                      
Kawelu Planitia   32.8N  246.5E     3910.0  OC  HA  I2457   V15,16     5  1985   27  PL  Hawaiian mythological            
                                                                                         heroine, died and brought          
                                                                                         back to life.                      
Laimdota          58.0S  117.0E     1800.0  EU  LV  I2490   V3         5  1997  107  PL  Latvian myth heroine.            
Lavinia           47.3S  347.5E     2820.0  EU  RM  I2475   V55        5  1982    1  PL  Roman; wife of Aeneas.           
Leda Planitia     44.0N   65.1E     2890.0  EU  GR  I2467   V9,10      5  1982    1  PL  Mother of Helen, Castor.         
Libu\vse          60.0N  290.0E     1200.0  EU  CZ  I2490   V6,7       5  1997  107  PL  Czech tales heroine,             
Planitia                                                                                 wiser of three sisters.            
Llorona           18.0N  145.0E     2600.0  NA  ME  I2467   V12,24     5  1997  107  PL  Mexican/Spanish folktale         
Planitia                                                                                 heroine.                           
Louhi Planitia    80.5N  120.5E     2440.0  EU  FI  I2490   V1         5  1985    1  PL  Karelo-Finn mother of the        
Lowana Planitia   43.0N   98.0E     2700.0  OC  AU  I2467   V11        5  1997  107  PL  Australian aboriginal            
                                                                                         tale heroine; lived alone          
                                                                                         by the sea weaving                 

NAME                LAT    LONG       DIAM  CT  ET  MAP     QUAD      AS    AD  REF  FT  ORIGIN

Mugazo Planitia   69.0S   60.0E     1500.0  AS  VT  I2523   V56,57     5  1997  107  PL  Vietnamese tale heroine.         
Navka Planitia     8.1S  317.6E     2100.0  EU  SL  I2475   V42        5  1982   27  PL  East-Slavic mermaid.             
Niobe Planitia    21.0N  112.3E     5008.0  EU  GR  I2467   V11,12     5  1982    1  PL  Greek; her 12 children           
                                                                                         killed by Artemis and              
Nsomeka           53.0S  195.0E     2100.0  AF  BA  I2477   V50,59     5  1994  111  PL  Bantu culture heroine.           
Nuptadi           73.0S  250.0E     1200.0  NA  MA  I2523   V59,60     5  1997  107  PL  Mandan (US Plains) folk          
Planitia                                                                                 heroine; had magic shell           
Rusalka            9.8N  170.1E     3655.0  UR  RU  I2467   V25,37     5  1982    1  PL  Russian mermaid.                 
Sedna Planitia    42.7N  340.7E     3570.0  NA  ES  I2466   V18,19     5  1982    1  PL  Eskimo; her fingers              
                                                                                         became seals and whales.           
Snegurochka       86.6N  328.0E     2775.0  UR  RU  I2490   V1         5  1985   64  PL  Snow maiden in Russian           
Planitia                                                                                 folktales, melted in               
Sogolon            8.0N  107.0E     1600.0  AF  ML  I2467   V23        5  1997  107  PL  Mandingo (Mali) epic             
Planitia                                                                                 heroine, buffalo-woman,            
                                                                                         mother of giant.                   
Tahmina           23.0S   80.0E     3000.0  AS  IR  I2476   V34        5  1997  107  PL  Iranian (Farsi) epic             
Planitia                                                                                 heroine, wife of knight            
Tilli-Hanum       54.0N  120.0E     2300.0  UR  AZ  I2467   V3,4       5  1997  107  PL  Azeri "Ker-ogly" epic            
Planitia                                                                                 tale heroine.                      

NAME                LAT    LONG       DIAM  CT  ET  MAP     QUAD      AS    AD  REF  FT  ORIGIN

Tinatin           15.0S   15.0E        0.0  UR  GE  I2475   V32        5  1994    0  PL  Georgian epic heroine.           
Undine Planitia   13.0N  303.0E     2800.0  EU  LI  I2466   V30        5  1997  107  PL  Lithuanian water nymph,          
Vellamo           45.4N  149.1E     2155.0  EU  FI  I2467   V12,13     5  1985   83  PL  Karelo-Finn mermaid.             
Vinmara           53.8N  207.6E     1635.0  OC  MC  I2457   V5         5  1985   83  PL  Swan maiden whom sea god         
Planitia                                                                                 Qat kept on Earth by               
                                                                                         hiding her wings (New              
Wawalag           30.0S  217.0E     2600.0  OC  AU  I2477   V51        5  1997  107  PL  Yulengor (Arnhemland)            
Planitia                                                                                 tale heroines, two                 
                                                                                         sisters who evolved                
Zhibek Planitia   40.0S  157.0E     2000.0  UR  KZ  I2476   V49        5  1997  107  PL  Kazakh "Kyz-Zhibek" epic         
                                                                                         tale heroine.                      

Náhorní plošiny
NAME                LAT    LONG       DIAM  CT  ET  MAP     QUAD      AS    AD  REF  FT  ORIGIN

Astkhik Planum    45.0S   20.0E     2000.0  UR  AM  I2475   V44        5  1997  107  PM  Armenian goddess of              
Lakshmi Planum    68.6N  339.3E     2345.0  AS  IN  I2490   V7         5  1979    1  PM  Indian goddess of love           
                                                                                         and war.                           

NAME                LAT    LONG       DIAM  CT  ET  MAP     QUAD      AS    AD  REF  FT  ORIGIN

Alpha Regio       25.5S    0.3E     1897.0  EU  GR  I2475   V32,44     5  1979   83  RE  First letter in Greek            
Asteria Regio     21.6N  267.5E     1131.0  EU  GR  I2457   V16,28     5  1982    1  RE  Greek Titaness.                  
Atla Regio         9.2N  200.1E     3200.0  EU  NO  I2457   V26        5  1982   27  RE  Norse giantess, mother of        
Bell Regio        32.8N   51.4E     1778.0  EU  GB  I2466   V9         5  1982   47  RE  English giantess.                
Beta Regio        25.3N  282.8E     2869.0  EU  GR  I2457   V17        5  1979   83  RE  Second letter in Greek           
Dione Regio       31.5S  328.0E     2300.0  EU  GR  I2475   V54        5  91     27  RE  Greek Titanness; 1st wife        
                                                                                         of Zeus.                           
Dsonkwa Regio     53.0S  167.0E     1500.0  NA  AM  I2476   V58        5  1997  107  RE  Kwakiutl (NW Coast)              
                                                                                         forest giantess.                   
Eistla Regio      10.5N   21.5E     8015.0  EU  NS  I2466   V20        5  1982   27  RE  Norse giantess.                  
Hyndla Regio      22.5N  294.5E     2300.0  EU  NS  I2457   V17,29     5  91     27  RE  Norse wood giantess.             
Imdr Regio        43.0S  212.0E     1611.0  EU  NS  I2477   V50,51     5  1982   27  RE  Norse giantess.                  
Ishkus Regio      61.0S  245.0E     1000.0  NA  AM  I2523   V60        5  1997  107  RE  Makah (NW Coast) forest          
Laufey Regio       7.0N  315.0E     2100.0  EU  NS  I2466   V30        5  2000   83  RE  Norse giantess.                  
Metis Regio       70.9N  251.8E      729.0  EU  GR  I2490   V6         5  1982    1  RE  Greek Titaness.                  
Mnemosyne Regio   65.8N  277.9E        0.0  EU  GR  I2490   V6         5  1982    1  RE  Greek Titaness.                  
Neringa Regio     65.0S  288.0E     1100.0  EU  LI  I2523   V60        5  1997  107  RE  Lithuanian seacoast              
Ovda Regio         2.8S   85.6E     5280.0  UR  MJ  I2476   V34,35     5  1982   27  RE  Marijian; Titaness having        
                                                                                         supernatural power.                
Phoebe Regio       6.0S  282.8E     2852.0  EU  GR  I2477   V41        5  1982    1  RE  Greek Titaness.                  

NAME                LAT    LONG       DIAM  CT  ET  MAP     QUAD      AS    AD  REF  FT  ORIGIN

Tethus Regio      66.0N  120.0E        0.0  EU  GR  I2490   V3,4       5  1982    1  RE  Greek Titaness.                  
Themis Regio      37.4S  284.2E     1811.0  EU  GR  I2477   V53        5  1982    1  RE  Greek Titaness.                  
Thetis Regio      11.4S  129.9E     2801.0  EU  GR  I2476   V36        5  1982    1  RE  Greek Titaness.                  
Ulfrun Regio      27.0N  225.0E     3954.0  EU  NS  I2457   V27        5  1982   27  RE  Norse giantess.                  
Vasilisa Regio    11.0S  332.0E     1200.0  UR  RU  I2475   V42,43     5  1997  107  RE  Russian tale heroine.

NAME                LAT    LONG       DIAM  CT  ET  MAP     QUAD      AS    AD  REF  FT  ORIGIN

Fornax Rupes      30.3N  201.1E      729.0  EU  RM  I2457   V14        5  1985   83  RU  Roman goddess of hearth          
                                                                                         and baking of bread.               
Gabie Rupes       67.5N  109.9E      350.0  UR  LI  I2490   V3         5  1985   64  RU  Lithuanian goddess of            
                                                                                         fire and hearth.                   
Hestia Rupes       6.0N   71.1E      588.0  EU  GR  I2467   V22        5  1982    1  RU  Greek hearth goddess.            
Uorsar Rupes      76.8N  341.2E      820.0  UR  CC  I2490   V1         5  1985   64  RU  Adygan (Caucasus) goddess        
                                                                                         of hearth.                         
Ut Rupes          55.3N  321.9E      676.0  UR  TK  I2490   V7         5  1982   27  RU  Siberian; Turco-Tatar            
                                                                                         goddess of the hearth              
Vaidilute Rupes   43.5S   22.0E     2000.0  EU  LI  I2475   V44        5  1997   83  RU  Lithuanian hearth                
Vesta Rupes       58.3N  323.9E      788.0  EU  RM  I2490   V7         5  1982   48  RU  Roman hearth goddess.

Pevninské masívy
NAME                LAT    LONG       DIAM  CT  ET  MAP     QUAD      AS    AD  REF  FT  ORIGIN

Aphrodite Terra    5.8S  104.8E    10000.0  EU  GR  I2476   V35,36     5  1979    1  TA  Greek goddess of love.           
Ishtar Terra      70.4N   27.5E     5610.0  AS  BY  I2490   V2,7       5  1979    1  TA  Babylonian goddess of            
Lada Terra        62.5S   20.0E     8615.0  EU  SL  I2523   V56,61     5  1982   30  TA  Slavic goddess of love.          

NAME                LAT    LONG       DIAM  CT  ET  MAP     QUAD      AS    AD  REF  FT  ORIGIN

Adrasthea         30.0N   55.0E      750.0  EU  GR  I2466   V9         5  1997  107  TE  Greek goddess of law.            
Ananke Tessera    53.3N  137.0E     1060.0  EU  GR  I2467   V4         5  1985   27  TE  Greek goddess of                 
Athena Tessera    35.0N  175.0E     1800.0  EU  GR  I2467   V13        5  1997  107  TE  Greek goddess of wisdom.         
Atropos Tessera   71.5N  304.0E      469.0  EU  GR  I2490   V6         5  1985    1  TE  Greek; one of three              
Bathkol Tessera   61.0N  200.0E     1485.0  AS  IS  I2490   V5         5  1997  127  TE  Israeli goddess of fate.         
Chimon-mana        3.0S  270.0E     1500.0  NA  HO  I2477   V40,41     5  1997  107  TE  Hopi (SW USA) goddess of         
Tessera                                                                                  insane.                            
Clidna Tessera    42.0S   29.0E      500.0  EU  IR  I2475   V44        5  1997  107  TE  Irish bird goddess of            
Clotho Tessera    56.4N  334.9E      289.0  EU  GR  I2466   V7         5  1985    1  TE  Greek; one of three              
Cocomama          62.0S   23.0E     1600.0  SA  PE  I2523   V56        5  1997  107  TE  Quechua (Peru) happiness         
Tessera                                                                                  goddess.                           
Dekla Tessera     57.4N   71.8E     1363.0  UR  LV  I2490   V3         5  1985   64  TE  Latvian goddess of fate.         
Dolya Tessera      8.0S  296.0E     1100.0  UR  SL  I2477   V41        5  1997  107  TE  E. Slavic good fate              
Dou-Mu Tesserae   60.0S  244.0E      400.0  AS  CH  I2523   V60        5  1997  107  TE  Chinese life/death ruling        
Fortuna Tessera   69.9N   45.1E     2801.0  EU  RM  I2490   V2         5  1985    1  TE  Roman goddess of chance.         
Gbadu Tessera      1.0S   38.0E      700.0  AF  BE  I2475   V33        5  1997  107  TE  Fon (Benin) goddess of           
Gegute Tessera    17.0N  121.0E     1600.0  EU  LI  I2467   V24        5  1997  107  TE  Lithuanian goddess of            

NAME                LAT    LONG       DIAM  CT  ET  MAP     QUAD      AS    AD  REF  FT  ORIGIN

Giltine           39.0S  250.0E      300.0  EU  LI  I2477   V52        5  1997  107  TE  Lithuanian bad fate              
Tesserae                                                                                 goddess.                           
Haasttse-baad      6.0N  127.0E     2600.0  NA  NV  I2467   V24        5  1997  107  TE  Navajo good health               
Tessera                                                                                  goddess.                           
[Hikuleo          42.0S   54.0E     1400.0  OC  TO                     6  1997  107  TE  Tonga underworld                 
Tesserae]                                                                                goddess.                           
Humai Tessera     53.0S  250.0E      350.0  AS  IR  I2477   V60        5  1997  107  TE  Iranian happiness bird.          
Husbishag         28.0S  101.0E     1100.0  AS  SE  I2476   V47        5  1997  107  TE  Semitic underworld               
Tesserae                                                                                 goddess, kept hour of              
                                                                                         death records.                     
Itzpapalotl       75.7N  317.6E      380.0  SA  AZ  I2490   V1         5  1985   27  TE  Aztec goddess of fate.           
Kruchina          36.0N   27.0E     1000.0  UR  SL  I2466   V8         5  1997  107  TE  E. Slavic goddess of             
Tesserae                                                                                 saddness.                          
Kutue Tessera     39.5N  108.8E      653.0  UR  SI  I2467   V11        5  1985   64  TE  Ulchian (Siberia)                
                                                                                         folklore toad that brings          
Lachesis          44.4N  300.1E      664.0  EU  GR  I2457   V17,18     5  1985    1  TE  Greek, one of three              
Tessera                                                                                  Fates.                             
Lahevhev          29.0N  189.0E     1300.0  OC  ME  I2457   V14        5  1997  107  TE  Melanesian dead souls            
Tesserae                                                                                 goddess.                           
Laima Tessera     55.0N   48.5E      971.0  UR  LV  I2490   V2         5  1985   64  TE  Latvian and Lithuanian           
                                                                                         goddess of fate.                   
Lhamo Tessera     51.0S   15.0E      800.0  AS  TB  I2475   V56        5  1997  107  TE  Tibetan time and fate            

NAME                LAT    LONG       DIAM  CT  ET  MAP     QUAD      AS    AD  REF  FT  ORIGIN

Likho Tesserae    40.0N  134.0E     1200.0  UR  SL  I2467   V12        5  1997  107  TE  E. Slavic deity of bad           
Mago-Halmi        70.0N  157.0E      400.0  AS  KR  I2490   V4         5  1997  107  TE  Korean helping goddess.          
Magu Tessera      52.0S  305.0E      300.0  AS  CH  I2475   V61        5  1997  107  TE  Chinese goddess of               
Mamitu Tesserae   22.0N   44.0E      900.0  AS  AK  I2466   V21        5  1997  107  TE  Akkadian destiny                 
Manatum Tessera    4.0S   64.0E     3800.0  AS  SE  I2476   V34        5  1997   83  TE  Semitic goddess of fate.         
Manzan-Gurme      39.0N  359.5E     1354.0  AS  TB  I2466   V19        5  1985   27  TE  Ancestress who possesses         
Tesserae                                                                                 the book of fate in                
                                                                                         Mongol, Tibetan, Buriat            
Meni Tessera      48.1N   77.9E      454.0  AS  SE  I2467   V10        5  1985   27  TE  Semitic goddess of fate.         
Meskhent          65.8N  103.1E     1056.0  AF  EG  I2490   V3         5  1985    1  TE  Egyptian goddess of              
Tessera                                                                                  fortune.                           
Minu-Anni         20.0S   30.0E     1300.0  AS  AY  I2475   V32,33     5  1997  107  TE  Assyrian fate goddess.           
Moira Tessera     58.7N  310.5E      361.0  EU  GR  I2490   V7         5  1985   27  TE  Greek fate goddess.              
Nedolya            5.0N  294.0E     1200.0  UR  SL  I2457   V29        5  1997  107  TE  E. Slavic bad fate               
Tesserae                                                                                 goddess.                           
Nemesis           40.0N  181.0E      355.0  EU  GR  I2457   V14        5  1985    1  TE  Greek goddess of fate.           
Norna Tesserae    50.0S  263.0E      700.0  EU  NS  I2477   V52,60     5  1997  107  TE  Norse fate goddess; there        
                                                                                         are three Nornas weaving           
                                                                                         fate thread.                       

NAME                LAT    LONG       DIAM  CT  ET  MAP     QUAD      AS    AD  REF  FT  ORIGIN

Nortia Tesserae   49.0S  160.0E      650.0  EU  IT  I2476   V49        5  1997  107  TE  Etruscan fate goddess.           
Nuahine Tessera    9.0S  157.0E     1000.0  OC  RP  I2476   V37        5  1997  107  TE  Rapanui (Easter Isl.)            
                                                                                         fate goddess.                      
Oddibjord         82.0N   85.0E      900.0  EU  SD  I2490   V1         5  1997  107  TE  Scandinavian fortune             
Tessera                                                                                  deity.                             
Pasom-mana        33.0S   49.0E     1200.0  NA  HO  I2475   V45        5  1997  107  TE  Hopi goddess of dreams           
Tesserae                                                                                 and the insane.                    
Salus Tessera      1.5S   48.5E      850.0  EU  RM  I2475   V33        5  1997  107  TE  Roman health and                 
                                                                                         prosperity goddess.                
Senectus          50.0N  292.0E     1400.0  EU  RM  I2457   V6,17      5  1997  107  TE  Roman goddess of old             
Tesserae                                                                                 age.                               
Shait Tessera     54.0S  173.5E      220.0  AF  EG  I2476   V58        5  1997  107  TE  Egyptian human destiny           
Shimti Tessera    31.9N   97.7E     1275.0  AS  BY  I2467   V11        5  1985   27  TE  Babylonian; Ishtar as the        
                                                                                         goddess of fate.                   
Snotra Tesserae   24.0N  134.0E     1000.0  EU  SD  I2467   V12        5  1997  107  TE  Scandinavian goddess of          
Sopdet Tesserae   45.0S  243.0E      500.0  AF  EG  I2477   V52        5  1997  107  TE  Egyptian goddess of              
                                                                                         Sirius star and the                
                                                                                         forthcoming year.                  
Sudenitsa         33.0N  270.0E     4200.0  UR  SL  I2457   V16,17     5  1997  107  TE  Slavic fate deities              
Tesserae                                                                                 (three sisters).                   
Sudice Tessera    37.0S  112.0E      500.0  EU  CZ  I2476   V47        5  1997  107  TE  Czech goddess of fate.           
Tellus Tessera    42.6N   76.8E     2329.0  EU  GR  I2467   V10        5  1982    1  TE  Greek Titaness                   
Tushita           42.0S   54.0E     1400.0  AS  IN  I2475   V45,46     5  2000  131  TE  Hindu deity of                   

NAME                LAT    LONG       DIAM  CT  ET  MAP     QUAD      AS    AD  REF  FT  ORIGIN

Tesserae                                                                                 resignation to fate. Name          
                                                                                         changed from Hikuleo               
Tyche Tessera     44.0S   14.5E      575.0  EU  GR  I2475   V44        5  1997   83  TE  Greek goddess of fate.           
Urd Tessera       40.0S  174.5E      250.0  EU  NS  I2476   V49        5  1997  107  TE  Norse fate goddess.              
Ustrecha          43.0S  265.0E      450.0  UR  RU  I2477   V52        5  1997  107  TE  Old Russian goddess of           
Tesserae                                                                                 chance.                            
Vako-nana         27.0N   40.0E     1200.0  UR  CC  I2466   V9,21      5  1997  107  TE  Adygan wise predictor.           
Verpeja           58.0S  160.0E      600.0  EU  LI  I2523   V58        5  1997  107  TE  Lithuanian life thread           
Tesserae                                                                                 goddess.                           
Virilis           56.1N  239.7E      782.0  EU  RM  I2457   V5         5  1985    1  TE  One of the names of              
Tesserae                                                                                 Fortuna, Roman goddess of          
Xi Wang-mu        30.0S   62.0E     1300.0  AS  CH  I2476   V45,46     5  1997  107  TE  Chinese goddess of west,         
Tessera                                                                                  keeper of medicine for             
                                                                                         eternal life.                      
Yuki-Onne         39.0N  261.0E     1200.0  AS  JA  I2457   V16        5  1997  107  TE  Japanese spirit of               
Tessera                                                                                  death.                             
Zirka Tessera     33.0N  300.0E      450.0  UR  BE  I2457   V17,18     5  1997  107  TE  Belorussian happiness            
Stránka byla naposledy editována 15. ledna 2010 v 19:41.
Stránka byla od 15. 1. 2010 zobrazena 4595krát.

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