Plynné planety > Jupiter > Názvosloví Europa

Názvosloví Europa

Kráter (Crater)

Jméno              Šířka   Délka    Průměr  CT  ET  MAP     QUAD      AS    AD  REF  FT  Původ

Amergin           14.0S  230.0W       17.0  EU  IR                     5  2000  152  AA  Legendary Irish druid and        
Angus             13.0S   74.0W        4.5  EU  CE                     5  2000  160  AA  Beautiful Celtic god of          
Avagddu            1.2N  170.0W        8.0  EU  CE                     5  2000   83  AA  Celtic storm deity,              
                                                                                         ill-fated son of Tegid             
                                                                                         the Bald.                          
Áine              43.0S  177.0W        5.0  EU  CE                     5  2000  160  AA  Celtic goddess of love           
                                                                                         and fertility.                     
Balor             53.0S   94.0W        4.6  EU  CE                     5  2000   83  AA  Celtic god of the night          
                                                                                         whose evil eye caused the          
                                                                                         death of those on whom it          
Brigid            11.0N   80.0W        9.0  EU  CE                     5  2000  160  AA  Celtic goddess of                
                                                                                         healing, smiths,                   
                                                                                         fertility and poetry.              
Camulus           27.0S   79.0W        4.7  EU  CE                     5  2000  128  AA  Gaelic war god.                  
Cilix              1.2N  181.9W       23.0  EU  GR  I1493   JE03       5  1985   19  AA  Brother of Europa; Rand          
                                                                                         control-point crater.              
Cliodhna           3.0S   75.0W        3.0  EU  CE                     5  2000  160  AA  Celtic goddess of beauty         
                                                                                         who was lured asleep by            
                                                                                         music, then swept away by          
                                                                                         a great wave.                      
Cormac            37.0S   86.0W        4.0  EU  IR                     5  2000  160  AA  Cormac Mac Art, High King        
                                                                                         of Ulster in Irish                 
Deirdre           65.0S  208.0W        4.3  EU  IR                     5  2000  160  AA  The most beautiful woman         
                                                                                         in Irish myths.                    
Diarmuid          61.0S   97.0W        8.0  EU  IR                     5  2000  152  AA  Handsome Irish                   
                                                                                         mythological warrior,              
                                                                                         husband of Gráinne.              
Dylan             55.0S   82.0W        5.2  EU  CE                     5  2000   83  AA  Celtic sea god.                  
Elathan           31.6S   78.0W        2.6  EU  CE                     5  2000   83  AA  Handsome Celtic king,            
                                                                                         father of sun god Bres.            
Govannan          37.5S  302.6W       10.0  EU  CE                     5  1997    1  AA  One of the Children of           
                                                                                         Don, a smith and brewer.           
Gráinne           60.0S   95.0W       13.0  EU  IR                     5  2000  152  AA  Daughter of Cormac Mac           
                                                                                         Art, the mythical High             
                                                                                         King of Ulster, and wife           
                                                                                         of Diarmuid.                       
Gwydion           61.0S   79.0W        4.8  EU  CE                     5  2000    1  AA  Celtic poet, one of the          
                                                                                         children of the mother             
                                                                                         goddess Don.                       
Llyr               1.7S  221.5W        1.1  EU  CE                     5  2000   83  AA  Celtic sea god.                  
Mael Dúin         17.0S  197.9W        2.0  EU  CE                     5  2000  152  AA  Celtic hero.                     
Maeve             58.0N   75.0W       18.0  EU  IR                     5  2000  152  AA  Mythological Irish queen         
                                                                                         of Connacht province.              
Manannán           2.0N  240.0W       30.0  EU  CE                     5  1997    1  AA  Irish sea and fertility          
Math              26.0S  183.0W       14.0  EU  CE                     5  2000  160  AA  Celtic god of wealth and         
Morvran            5.7S  152.2W       25.0  EU  CE  I1493   JE03       5  1985   27  AA  Celtic; ugly son of              
Niamh             21.0N  217.0W        5.0  EU  CE                     5  2000   83  AA  Golden-haired daughter of        
                                                                                         the Celtic sea and                 
                                                                                         fertility god                      
Oisín             52.0S  214.0W        6.0  EU  IR                     5  2000  160  AA  Mythical Irish warrior,          
                                                                                         son of Fionn Mac Cumhail           
                                                                                         and Sadb.                          
Pryderi           66.0S  159.0W        1.7  EU  CE                     5  2000   83  AA  Son of Pwyll, Celtic god         
                                                                                         of the underworld.                 
Pwyll             26.0S  271.0W       38.0  EU  CE                     5  1997   83  AA  Celtic god of the                
Rhiannon          81.8S  199.7W       25.0  EU  CE  I1499   JE04       5  1985   19  AA  Celtic heroine.                  
Taliesin          23.2S  137.4W       48.0  EU  CE  I1493   JE03       5  1985   27  AA  Celtic, son of Bran;             
Tegid              0.6S  164.0W       29.0  EU  CE  I1493   JE03       5  1985   27  AA  Celtic hero who lived in         
                                                                                         Bula Lake.                         
Uaithne           49.0S   88.0W        6.5  EU  CE                     5  2000  160  AA  The harpist for Dagda,           
                                                                                         the father of all gods in          
                                                                                         Celtic myths.                      

Stránka byla naposledy editována 15. ledna 2010 v 19:41.
Stránka byla od 15. 1. 2010 zobrazena 2748krát.

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