Plynné planety > Jupiter > Názvosloví Ganymedes

Názvosloví Ganymedes

Světlá skvrna (Facula)

Jméno              Šířka   Délka    Průměr  CT  ET  MAP     QUAD      AS    AD  REF  FT  Původ

Abydos Facula     34,1N  154,0W      165,0  AF  EG  I1493   JG03       5  1985    1  FA  Egyptian town where
                                                                                         Osiris was worshipped.
Akhmin Facula     28,0N  191,0W      225,0  AF  EG          JG-4       5  1997    1  FA  Egyptian town where Min
                                                                                         was worshipped.
Bigeh Facula      28,8N   94,1W      235,0  AF  EG  I2331   JG-3       5  2000    1  FA  Island where Hapi,
                                                                                         Egyptian Nile god,
Busiris Facula    14,9N  216,1W      348,0  AF  EG  I1536   JG08       5  1985   27  FA  Town in lower Egypt where
                                                                                         Osiris was first
                                                                                         installed as local god.
Buto Facula       12,6N  204,3W      236,0  AF  EG  I1536   JG08       5  1985   27  FA  Swamp where Isis hid
                                                                                         Osiris' body.
Coptos Facula      9,4N  209,8W      332,0  AF  EG  I1536   JG08       5  1985   27  FA  Early town from which
                                                                                         caravans departed.
[Dendera           0,0N  257,0W      114,0  AF  EG  I1548   JG09       6  1985    1  FA  Town where Hathor was
Facula]                                                                                  chief goddess. Name
                                                                                         changed to Dendera.
Edfu Facula       26,8N  147,7W      187,0  AF  EG  I1493   JG03       5  1985    1  FA  Egyptian town where Horus
                                                                                         was worshipped.
Heliopolis        19,5N  147,6W       50,0  AF  EG          JG-8       5  1997   83  FA  Sacred Egyptian city of
Facula                                                                                   the sun.
Hermopolis        22,0N  196,0W      200,0  AF  EG          JG-4       5  1997   27  FA  Place where Unut was
Facula                                                                                   worshipped.
Memphis Facula    15,4N  132,5W      344,0  AF  EG  I1498   JG07       5  1985    1  FA  Ancient capitol of lower
Ombos Facula       3,8N  238,6W       90,0  AF  EG  I1548   JG09       5  1985   27  FA  Egyptian town where
                                                                                         Sebek's triad worshipped;
                                                                                         present Kom Ombo.
[Punt Facula]     26,1S  242,2W      228,0  AF  EG  I1817   JG13       6  1985    1  FA  Land east of Egypt where
                                                                                         Bes originated. Changed
                                                                                         to Punt (crater).
[Sais Facula]     37,9N   14,2W      137,0  AF  EG  I1890   JG-2       6  1988    1  FA  Capital of Egypt in
                                                                                         mid-7th century B.C.
Siwah Facula       7,5N  143,2W      220,0  AF  EG  I1498   JG07       5  1985    1  FA  Oasis oracle of
                                                                                         Zeus-Ammon; visited by
Tettu Facula      38,6N  160,9W       86,0  AF  EG  I1493   JG03       5  1985   27  FA  Egyptian town where
                                                                                         Hatmenit and Osiris were
Thebes Facula      6,0N  202,4W      475,0  AF  EG  I1536   JG08       5  1985    1  FA  Ancient capitol of upper

Stránka byla naposledy editována 15. ledna 2010 v 19:41.
Stránka byla od 15. 1. 2010 zobrazena 2542krát.

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