Plynné planety > Jupiter > Názvosloví Io

Názvosloví Io

Hora (Mons)

Jméno              Šířka   Délka    Průměr  CT  ET  MAP     QUAD      AS    AD  REF  FT  Původ

Boösaule           4,4S  270,1W      590,0  EU  GR  I1550   JI03       5  1985   19  MO  Cave where Io bore
Montes                                                                                   Epaphus.
Caucasus Mons     33,0S  239,0W      150,0  EU  GR                     5  1997   27  MO  Io passed by these
                                                                                         mountains while trying to
                                                                                         escape from the gadfly.
Crimea Mons       76,1S  244,8W        0,0  EU  GR  I1549   JI04       5  1985   19  MO  Where Io passed by in her
Dorian Montes     24,0S  198,0W      450,0  EU  GR                     5  1997   83  MO  Region in ancient
Egypt Mons        41,0S  257,0W      300,0  EU  GR                     5  1997   27  MO  Io ended her wanderings
Euboea Montes     46,3S  339,9W        0,0  EU  GR  I1491   JI02       5  1985    1  MO  Where Io passed by in her
Euxine Mons       27,0N  126,0W      200,0  EU  GR                     5  1997   27  MO  Io passed by here in her
Haemus Montes     68,9S   46,6W        0,0  EU  GR  I1549   JI04       5  1979   19  MO  Where Io passed by in her
Hi'iaka Montes     5,0S   80,0W      390,0  OC  HA  I1491              5  2000  147  MO  Sister of Hawaiian
                                                                                         volcano goddess Pele.
Ionian Mons        9,0N  236,0W      150,0  EU  GR                     5  1997   19  MO  Io crossed this sea in
                                                                                         her wanderings.
Mongibello Mons   22,3N   66,6W      180,0  EU  IT  I1491              5  2000  156  MO  Name for Mt. Etna, site
                                                                                         of Vulcan's forge in
                                                                                         Dante's "The Inferno."
                                                                                         Thunderbolts from here
                                                                                         killed Capaneus, the
                                                                                         great blasphemer.
Nile Montes       52,0N  253,0W      450,0  EU  GR                     5  1997   33  MO  Where Zeus restored Io to
                                                                                         her human form.
Ot Mons            4,3N  216,0W      165,0  AS  MO  I1550              5  2000  127  MO  Mongolian fire and
                                                                                         marriage goddess.
Rata Mons         35,0S  201,0W      200,0  OC  NZ                     5  1997   83  MO  Maori sun hero.
Seth Mons         10,6S  134,0W      140,0  AF  EG  I1550              5  2000  157  MO  Egyptian thunder god.
Shamshu Mons      12,0S   71,0W      170,0  AS  AR  I1491              5  2000   83  MO  Arabian sun goddess.
Silpium Mons      52,6S  272,9W        0,0  EU  GR  I1549   JI04       5  1979   19  MO  Greek; where Io dies of
                                                                                         grief in some legends.
Skythia Mons      26,0N   98,0W      200,0  EU  GR                     5  1997   27  MO  Io passed by here in her
Tohil Mons        29,0S  157,0W      300,0  SA  MY                     5  1997    1  MO  Central American god who
                                                                                         gave fire to man.
Zal Montes        37,5N   76,3W      422,0  AS  IR  I1491              5  2000   83  MO  Iranian sun god.

Stránka byla naposledy editována 15. ledna 2010 v 19:41.
Stránka byla od 15. 1. 2010 zobrazena 2904krát.

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